Amid rising stress, more Canadians prioritizing financial well-being

June 24, 2024

Financial stress is becoming a problem for more and more Canadians, according to a recent report.

Currently, 44 per cent of Canadians cite money as their top stressor, reports FP Canada.

That number is up from 40 per cent in 2023, 38 per cent in 2022 and 38 per cent in 2021.

What are the leading causes of financial stress? Canadians cite:

  • elevated grocery prices (69 per cent)
  • inflation (60 per cent)
  • housing-related costs (52 per cent).

“There’s no denying that persistent affordability concerns can cause significant financial strain, so it’s no surprise that Canadians are continuing to feel the impact of these difficult conditions,” says Meghan MacPherson, a QAFP professional at Impact Financial Group.

Source: Read the full article here