B.C. builds new opportunities for careers in skilled trades

July 9, 2023

More people will be able to access new and enhanced resources and programming to support entering the trades and to help complete their apprenticeships through a $5-million provincial investment.

“This funding is about making sure that B.C. is training and supporting the next generation of apprentices and journey people,” said Andrew Mercier, Minister of State for Workforce Development. “By investing in apprenticeships today, our government is taking action to ensure a strong workforce is trained and ready to build the homes and infrastructure that British Columbians depend on.”

This investment supports six B.C. organizations specializing in attracting people into the skilled trades and supporting them during their pre-apprentice training and apprenticeships:

  • Aboriginal Community Career Employment Services Society (ACCESS)
  • BC Centre for Women in the Trades (BCCWITT)
  • Canadian Home Builders Association of BC (CHBA BC)
  • Construction Foundation of BC (CFBC)
  • SkillPlan
  • Skills Canada BC
Source: BC Gov. News