BC Games provided Maple Ridge a boost to local economy and tourism

August 8, 2024

It’s admittedly hard to measure, but there was an obvious economic benefit to hosting the BC Summer Games in Maple Ridge, and more spinoffs that will continue in the future.

Ridge Meadows Chamber of Commerce CEO Kristi Maier said the conspicuous bands of teens – all wearing the colours of their zones on t-shirts, hats and sunglasses – could be found wandering into local restaurants and businesses. There were about 2,500 competitors. And then there were thousands of parents, coaches and other supporters who came with the athletes, and they were in town for the event from July 17-21.

According to the province, the BC Games generate an estimated economic boost of $1.6 million to $2 million each time the Games are held.

Maier said she heard from business owners that they had expected it to be a busy weekend, but not as hectic as it turned out.

“It was an amazing boost for the city,” she said.

Source: Read the full article here