New board for Downtown Maple Ridge BIA

June 15, 2023

A new board of directors has been voted in for the Downtown Maple Ridge Business Improvement Association.

Cindy Stephenson, owner of T’s – Once Upon a Tea Leaf in the downtown core, was voted in as president of the board, after a year as vice president.

Stephenson has lived in Maple Ridge for more than 38 years. Her belief is that there is more to owning a business than the bottom line. So Stephenson focuses on giving back to the community – by participating and donating to several local projects and charities. Her creative passion is to think outside the box.

Previously Stephenson was also the Events Committee Chair on the DMRBIA board. She replaced Denise Gunn as president.

Vice president and Chair of Events and Marketing Committee is now Austin Towne.

Source: Maple Ridge News