Client’s Journey to Career Recovery with Maple Ridge WorkBC

May 30, 2024

Before seeking assistance, Lan-Ti was unemployed with her last job was in 2020 as an office assistant. Despite her best efforts, she faced a series of challenges that made returning to the workforce seem almost impossible.


  • No recent work experience: The gap in her employment history created a significant barrier.
  • Health challenges: A car accident left her with chronic neck pain and cataracts, making the job search even more difficult.
  • Language barrier: Communication difficulties added another layer of complexity.
  • Lack of confidence: Years of being out of the workforce had taken a toll on her self-esteem.
  • Balancing career and family: Juggling family responsibilities further complicated her situation.
  • Outdated credentials: She lacked the updated qualifications needed to compete in today’s job market.

Before reaching out to Maple Ridge WorkBC, the client was disheartened and had lost direction after an extended and unsuccessful job search. Her confidence and self-esteem had been greatly impacted, leaving her unsure of how to restart her professional career. Maple Ridge WorkBC played a pivotal role in helping Lan-Ti regain her confidence and set a clear path toward re-entering the workforce. Through personalized case management and targeted skills training, Lan-Ti received the support she needed.

Steps to Success:

  • Case Management: WorkBC provided one-on-one guidance and direction, helping Lan-Ti focus on her career goals and rebuild her confidence.
  • Career Generator: Lan-Ti attended this program with a goal of becoming an Office Administrator, laying the foundation for her career revival.
  • Skills Training: WorkBC facilitated her enrollment in the Education Assistance and Inclusion Certificate program at Douglas College, setting her on a path toward becoming an Office Administrator.
  • Medical Assessment: A comprehensive report confirmed that she was physically able to work as an Early Childhood Educator Assistant (ECE-A).
  • DRENA Assessment: This evaluation helped uncover any additional challenges that might impede her training success.
  • Personal Counselling: She participated in 10 sessions focused on employment readiness, addressing her emotional and psychological barriers to employment.

Throughout these assessments and training, WorkBC remained by her side, providing support as she navigated family and health challenges. With the support of the Centre, she successfully completed her program.

Reflecting on her journey, Lan-Ti expressed her deep gratitude for the support provided by Maple Ridge WorkBC. “I couldn’t finish my education without you,” she shared. “I am very grateful for WorkBC’s help. I have more job opportunities now. My life has been completely changed because of your support and encouragement. I wish you all the best.”

While Lan-Ti was recently diagnosed with medical issues that need immediate attention, preventing her from working at this time, she remains optimistic. Armed with her EA Certification, she is confident that she will have no problem securing employment once she is ready. She plans to begin her job search in September.