Finding Balance and Building a Future with Maple Ridge WorkBC

July 30, 2024

The client, a male with a disability, came to the Centre with a background in freelance photography and warehouse labor. However, as his physical condition evolved, he found himself facing new challenges in the workforce. With a non-functional right hand, difficulties with balance, and arthritic pain when bending, crouching, or kneeling, he needed a career that accommodated his physical limitations while leveraging his skills and experience.


  • Physical Limitations: The client’s condition affected his ability to perform certain physical tasks, making it essential to find a role that aligned with his capabilities.
  • Confidence in Career Transition: Transitioning from self-employment and physically demanding work to a new role required a boost in self-confidence and a clear career plan.
  • Balancing Work Preferences: The client preferred environments that were both quiet and busy, making it crucial to find a job that matched this unique preference.

The Maple Ridge WorkBC Centre provided a comprehensive support system that helped the client navigate his career transition, build his confidence, and find employment that matched his needs. This included:

  • Case Management & Career Planning: A Career Coach worked with the client to identify his strengths and goals. Through personalized career planning and job search assistance, the client’s self-confidence grew, and he gained clarity on his next steps.
  • Self-Employment Orientation: Although the client initially explored the Self-Employment Program, it was decided that this path wasn’t the best fit due to challenges in task completion. However, the experience helped him understand his options and focus on what was most feasible for his situation.
  • Employment Placement Support: The client worked with an Employment Placement Specialist who helped him secure part-time employment with Value Village. This role was well-suited to his physical capabilities and provided the work environment he preferred.
  • Networking & Marketing: With support from WorkBC, the client expanded his professional network by connecting with the Chamber of Commerce and enhancing his presence on LinkedIn. This not only helped him secure employment but also allowed him to market his videography services, opening up additional opportunities for career growth.

Through a combination of career coaching, job placement assistance, and networking opportunities, the client was able to overcome his barriers and find meaningful employment. The guidance he received from WorkBC was instrumental in helping him secure a part-time role that aligned with his physical needs and allowed him to continue pursuing his passion for videography.

Today, the client continues to work part-time while expanding his videography business. With the support of Maple Ridge WorkBC, he has found a balance between maintaining his health, working in a suitable environment, and growing his entrepreneurial ventures.