From Retail to Resource Specialist with Maple Ridge WorkBC

June 30, 2024

When Diane arrived in Canada as an international student, she had to pivot from her previous career and start anew. She began by studying and working part-time at a grocery store, working her way up to become a department manager. Despite her success in retail, she wanted a position in which she could help people more directly, utilize her office and administrative skills, and achieve a better work-life balance.

After significant life changes forced her to leave her job, Diane faced new obstacles in her job search:

  • Mismatch of Experience: Although she applied to hundreds of jobs, she received no responses, likely because her retail experience didn’t align perfectly with the roles she was seeking.
  • Career Transition: Diane wanted to transition into a role where she could leverage her past experiences and education, but she struggled to find the right opportunity.
  • Lack of Guidance: She needed support in navigating the job market and improving her job search materials to better align with her career goals.

Diane learned about WorkBC from a friend. After meeting with Kathy, Tracy, and Jessie at the Maple Ridge WorkBC Centre, she knew she was in the right place. The team at WorkBC provided her with the support she needed to achieve her career goals.

  • Career Workshops: Diane attended the Leading Edge Workshop with Joe, where she learned how to enhance her resume and cover letter and effectively navigate the hidden job market.
  • Personalized Job Placement Support: Ana Liza, a Job Placement Specialist at WorkBC, worked closely with Diane, referring her to several opportunities in the hidden job market that aligned with her interests.

Armed with new skills and resources from the workshop and personalized job placement support, Diane’s job search took a positive turn. She secured multiple interviews and received several job offers. Ultimately, she chose a position that best matched with her career aspirations.

Today, Diane is thriving as the Resource Centre and Wage Subsidy Specialist at WorkBC – Maple Ridge. Reflecting on her journey, she credits the Maple Ridge WorkBC Centre for helping her transition from retail to a role where she can make a meaningful impact while utilizing her skills and experience.